SNF Metrics was thrilled to be a supporter of the Zimmet Reimbursement Conference this year. 1,300 SNF operators, clinicians, owners, administrators, and partners came together to peel away the layers and layers of reimbursement misunderstandings and refine our skills, share stories, and get a clear, accurate update on what’s to come.
As I sat in the back of the presentation hall, probably 20 rows deep, I had an interesting view of what attendees were doing while participating in the Conference.
From my post, I can see the screens of at least 30 folks’ laptops. I can’t see the details-and nor do I want to–but I can see what they are all doing. They are all accessing their analytics platforms and checking their operations. Two are even checking the cameras installed inside and outside their facilities. I see busy spreadsheets EMR reports and charts which are then triggering massive emails and texts, probably back to front line staff.
Sitting there for 2 hours, many are still going. There is a better, faster more efficient way. It’s unanimous that the data we capture and review is massive and growing. The data is important–but can be time-consuming to turn it into actionable insights. My time here today proved that.
SNF Metrics took an operator’s frustrations with this process and made it better. Live reports and proprietary applications take your data from multiple data sources and present it exactly the way you want it when you want it.
One example comes to us from a Regional Nurse Consultant for a nursing home group in North Carolina. In the morning, she opens an email generated by the SNF Metrics platform. She has customized her daily reports to focus on falls and wounds over her portfolio of homes over the last 24 hours. She then expands her report to review the care plans–were they updated? She tells us she captures missed care plan updates every week.
Another example comes to us from a group in Missouri where they agonize over predicting their QM scores and what they can do today to get the coveted 5-star rating. They tell us they spend hours pouring over data and reviewing EMR records, and even then they don’t have confidence in their results and action plan. Now they receive a weekly email that shares actionable QM data that identifies concerns and areas of QM score improvement. Actions are quickly implemented. They share with us that, next week or next month, they can quickly see the impacts of their actions. They use this to praise their teams for their hard work. Examples like this come to use every day, from risk reduction, staffing, census, and AR, as well as pharmacy and managed care contract management.
Give your leadership time back to be mentors, educators and share their experience with your teams. Check out SNF Metrics to optimize your nursing home operation.
Elsworth Harris is Sales Director at SNF Metrics.