An Interview Every SNF Operator Should Watch
The post-covid operational challenges are well documented in long term care: Cost of Living increases, staff challenges, enhanced regulations and guidelines, increased attention on risk management, negative public perspectives and census challenges to name a few. In this series, we will challenge Nathan Norton, Vice President of Operations at Marquis Health Services, to share his secrets to SNF Operations success.
S01.E01- Simplify Your Massive Amounts of Operational, Financial and Clinical Data
In this episode, Nate shares his insights on how the SNF Metrics platform has transformed his 17 SNF operations in New England into a highly successful region for Marquis. Learn from Nate how the SNF Metrics platform integrates seamlessly with Marquis’ multiple applications and pulls all required data into a centralized platform. This multiple-source data integration enhances his operation. Learn how.
S01.E02 – The Evolution of Skilled Nursing Facility Metrics: New Features and Reports
Nate continues the conversation by discussing the platform’s evolution since the pandemic. Since Nate began using SNF Metrics, the number of available products and reports has increased, demonstrating the SNF Metrics development team’s commitment to constant improvement and innovation that solve SNF’s immediate challenges.
S01.E03 – New Features and Reports: Getting Granular
Nate discusses his experience working with the SNF Metrics team to customize reports and introduce new features in this episode. During the pandemic, he recalls a specific instance in which SNF Metrics assisted them in meeting new state reporting requirements. The team collaborated to produce a report that not only met but also exceeded their needs and expectations. The report not only presented the necessary data, but also provided actionable information in a simple-to-understand format. He shares that as the industry evolves, so does the SNF Metrics Business Intelligence platform.
S01.E04 – Post-Covid Regulatory Compliance Starts with Accurate Data
Long-term care providers face a formidable challenge in navigating increased regulatory modifications. In this episode, Nate discusses the regulatory challenges they face and how SNF Metrics has become an indispensable platform for compliance and risk management. SNF Metrics performs a vital function in assisting operators to comply with these mandates, given that Federal and state institutions are modifying cut points and increasing personnel requirements. The SNF Metrics applications and reports provide the necessary tools and insights to ensure compliance and optimize operations. Nate stresses the significance of utilizing SNF Metrics to avoid costly penalties and remain ahead of the ever-changing regulatory environment.
S01.E05 – Integrate Your Time and Attendance, Financial and EMR Data To Unlock Powerful Staffing Insights
In this episode, Nate highlights the difficulties he and his team face in recruiting and retaining clinical care staff, which are exacerbated by wage increases and shifting employment preferences. SNF Metric’s Compass platform integrates data from multiple platforms to help him gather important staffing insights. These insights are used to make hiring decisions, wage changes, PT/OT requirements, staff mentorship and more. Nate discusses several of his personal staffing strategies and how SNF Metrics quickly and easily guides him through one of the more challenging aspects of operating today’s nursing homes.
S01.E06 – Strategies for Addressing the Long-Term Care Staffing Crisis
Expanding on the staffing crisis, Nate discusses some of his recruitment strategies. He mentions employing part-time and full-time employees, utilizing agency staff, and even sponsoring nursing students. Nate also discusses the significance of retaining current employees and explains how Marquis Health Services endeavors to cultivate a supportive work environment in order to attract and retain talented professionals. Nate emphasizes the need for ongoing creativity and innovation in addressing this critical challenge.
S01.E07 – Controlling Payroll Expenses with Insights Provided by SNF Metrics
The SNF Compass dashboards provide Nate with valuable staffing and census insights. By analyzing both his payroll data and clinical care data simultaneously, SNF Compass helps him better-manage his overall payroll expenses while maintaining required staffing ratios. Nate describes how he was able to save over $1 per worked hour by utilizing the payroll analysis report provided by SNF Metrics. He encourages readers to investigate this game-changing report in order to identify potential staff cost savings. He describes that some of the insights provided by SNF Metrics are counter-intuitive, but trust the data as it is rarely wrong.
S01.E08 – 20 Staffing and Census Reports That Enhance Performance and Overall SNF Business Operations
In this episode, Nate gets granular and discusses how the SNF Metrics dashboards have aided in the optimization of staffing and clinical operations. The dashboards provide valuable insights for optimizing employment strategies with access to approximately 20 live and interactive reports. Nate emphasizes the importance of reports such as daily incidental time, which aid in tracking and promptly addressing personnel issues. Utilizing the insights from these reports, his administrators save staff management time, quickly and accurately identify and target staff policy inefficiencies, and boost the overall performance of his 17 SNF’s clinical operations.
S01.E09 – What Differentiates SNF Metrics From Other Business Intelligence Platforms?
Nate concludes the series by highlighting the characteristics that distinguish SNF Metrics from other SNF business intelligence platforms. He emphasizes the integrated approach of SNF Metrics, which consolidates data from multiple applications onto a single platform. This integration saves time and allows operators to investigate and effectively resolve quality and performance issues in a timely manner. Nate describes how SNF Metrics goes above and beyond by providing comprehensive reports that dissect trends, identify specific patient issues, and provide a multitude of data for informed decision-making. Reviewing data and reports shouldn’t be difficult or time-consuming. The SNF Metrics platform is just that—precise, timely and actionable.
SNF Metrics is revolutionizing nursing home management for Nate’s Operation in New England. Through its data analytics technology and innovative features, it empowers operators to streamline operations, address regulatory challenges, maximize staff, analyze payroll, improve performance, and much more. SNF Metrics continues to enhance and modify its portfolio of live reports with input from operators just like Nate Norton. But nursing home operators need more than data analytics, they need workflow applications, applications that integrate with their various data sources and then drive operators’ across-platform communications, collections, risk reduction/response, grievance management and more. Our growing list of workflow applications is again transforming the entire nursing home industry-presently serving 1,800+ nursing homes in 39 states.
Did you find this interview useful? Don’t forget to visit SNF Metrics LinkedIn and thank Nate Norton for his insights. Feel free to reach out to us with any follow-up questions.
SNF Metrics Team And Nate Norton