Compliance Program Series: Compliance and Policy Procedures with OIG

Compliance Program Series: Compliance and Policy Procedures with OIG

[This article is Part 1 of a 7 Part Series on Compliance Programs for SNFs, for the rest of the articles in the series, go HERE] So, we chose our corporate compliance officer, we determined who’s on the compliance committee, and we’re all set to rock and roll with our compliance program. Now what? Let’s

Why should a skilled care facility care about business intelligence?

Why should a skilled care facility care about business intelligence?

We’ve heard terms like ‘business intelligence’ (BI) and ‘big data’ thrown around a lot lately. As a long-term care operator, I can’t lie – I only half listen. Don’t I have enough on my plate? With the new requirements of participation (RoP), focus on compliance, PDPM, increased fines, hospital readmissions, etc. etc., who has the